Instruction page

Getting started

Once you've created an account, you'll need at least one aircraft and one transmitter to get started.
Follow these steps:
1. Navigate to the Hangar section in the top bar.
2. At the bottom of the page, click on the objects you want to create.
You can add your transmitters, aircraft, FPV setups, and ground stations.

Commit your firts flight

After you've added at least one aircraft and one transmitter, you're ready to commit your first flight:
An Aircraft will only show selectable if the aircrafts status is set Active
1. Select Flights from the top navigation bar.
2. Click Add Flight, fill out the form, and create your first flight.
3. Don't forget to select the boxes if you have charged the battery's BEFORE flight

View flight

Once you have comitted a flight You can see all the flight stats in the Flight menu by clicking Details.
On the Detail page you can see all the info from this flight
You cant adjust flight details, You can only delete last made flight

Hangar usage

On this page you can add or edit your Aircrafts and Transmitters etc.
You can view details about your batteries, but note that some features will only work as intended after you've logged a few flights.
You can see the last date the battery has been charged, and The total time the battery has been used without charging.
Important: This is a recommendation, not an exact measurement.
The recommendation will become more accurate as you log more flights.
The recommendation will only work after you have made a few flights, And become more precise with usage
Keep in mind that the recommendation does not account for battery wear or damage.